Wednesday, June 04, 2008


Kayla's photoshoot was scheduled for a beautiful day...and by beautiful I mean dark, cloudy and wind-whipping. It was so stormy that I was keeping an eye on the clouds and an ear on the weather reports (I'm sure we were in a tornado watch; we always are this time of the year). Luckily, we were able to meet two hours earlier than expected or it would have been total darkness! All this to say, don't worry about having "perfect" weather conditions for sessions. You'd be surprised to find that cloudy days are actually better in some instances for photos (you can shoot in a greater variety of places), wind can give that glam "wind-blown" look that the NY models aim for (it also adds a little Oklahoma authenticity to an image--have you ever been in western Oklahoma when the wind is not blowing?), and post-rainstorms give a very beautiful color to the ground and sky.

But enough about that...on with the photo show!

My favorite!
Kayla's mom wanted some photos of Kayla in her 4-H jacket with her show animals because she is moving on up to high school and will no longer be showing in 4-H. As a former 4-Her myself, I thought this was a cool idea. I didn't have any show animals (I did show horses for a short time) but I loved 4-H. It taught me a lot about citizenship and community service. "Head, heart, hands, health..." (That's what the four H's stand for, BTW.)

Nothing like a snuggle with a piggy. Check out piggy's eyelashes...I'm so jealous!

Her sheep was a ham (oh wait...that was the piggy--lol!). He was all about posing for the camera!

We did some non-4-H photos, too. I saw this little flowery spot in between the school bus barn and a transmission shop. I'm telling you, there are little hidden spots of photo opportunity everywhere you look!

I love the lines on this image. Know where it was taken? The softball concession stand!

And one more favorite from the day. Isn't Kayla lovely? I'm so jealous of those ringlets of curls! Don't ya love the colors? Guess what that purple is? A slide on the elementary school playground!


Anonymous said...

Look at you and your creativity!!! LOVE the piggie!!!! He/she/swine is SO cute. And Kayla's pretty too of course! Love the concession stand and the flowers too. These are fab.

Megan said...

Thanks! I used to be a freak about scouting out locations in advance, but now I just go with the flow. There's a lot more to work with if you think small rather than big picture, KWIM? It took me a while to get that.

Jennifer said...

I was in 4h when I was younger, never did the whole animal thing, I did the arts and crafts! These are really lovely shots!

Robin DePaula said...

Great images, Megan!! Love the piggie.