Wednesday, January 09, 2008

What I Did on Christmas Vacation: Part Two

Hanging out with the family!

We headed to Kansas for a Christmas celebration with my family: the Wisdoms (I know, it was an awesome maiden name. I should have kept it--just kidding!).

We were only there for 25 hours (because we suddenly were in a blizzard warning and decided we had to high-tail it home), but we managed to pack in a lot in a short time.

My dad made these....


along with ham and (my personal favorite) cheese grits!


Here's a picture of Tim and Scooter, "the Christmas miracle." Scooter never had been very adventurous....until we let him run free in the Kansas, I mean, plainsland. We spent over an hour scourging the surrounding roads and cornfields by foot, car and four wheeler to no avail. Later, Tim went out to check his phone messages and made one last sweep in the car. He spotted tiny brown puppy ears in the neighboring field and Scooter was rescued.


Monkey see, monkey do! My sister discovered that her daughter, Sophie, likes to walk around the house humming, like her Nana. Seems like she is taking on more of her characteristics in this picture!


We played a little Bingo before heading out.


Scooter bonded with the newest addition to the clan: baby Callie. Stay tuned for pictures; she'll be here soon!


Meet the parents...


...and the whole herd.

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

The puppy on the belly shot is SOOOO cute!! Love it!